Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 17: March 9-15

The baby continues to kick more and more all the time. You can actually see my stomach move a tiny bit if you catch it just right. I still think of it as a girl most of the time (little experience with boys I guess), but when it's kicking me like crazy I sometimes refer to it as 'him' or 'he'. As in, "He is kicking again. Relax PeaBaby!" But really I enjoy every little bump and squirm. It's becoming even more pronounced and more frequent. Now it feels more like someone is really poking me, and sometimes like a wee little headbutt or what I really picture as a kick.

We had a scary moment on Tuesday night and I spent all day Wednesday worried and intermittently in tears. Brian was throwing the ball and Cita (our chihuahua) took a flying leap off the back of the couch and right onto my stomach. It hurt way more than it usually hurts when she jumps on my leg or head, and it scared me really bad. I called my mom hysterically after about an hour, and as usual she had just the right things to say to help me calm down. It's been a few days now and I haven't had any cramping or spotting or anything else out of the ordinary so I think it's safe to assume all is well. I'm so much more cautious now though, and usually don't let either puppy up above me - usually there's a pillow on my stomach too. I just love you very much little one, and I hope this little scare is the worst one we have.

On a brighter note, on the weekend we got some new maternity clothes! Yay! Especially considering that like, nothing is fitting me anymore. We went to Old Navy (I highly recommend it as an inexpensive place for basics) and got a nice selection of tees, tanks, and a few light sweaters. I also couldn't resist the maternity trenchcoat, but it was on sale! In the same trip I went to a nice department store to get fitted for a new bra. The old one was obviously far from fitting, but I didn't know where to start. The girl measured me, then looked up at me with a sort of dumbfounded look and said, "Um... it's a 34 DDD. I don't think we carry those, but maybe a 36 will work?" That's THREE CUP SIZES people! And I was not exactly flat to begin with. Thankfully these new bras are extremely comfy, and I also got something called a 'sleep bra' that's very minimal and perfect for night time. I totally recommend those too, not just for during pregnancy!

I'm still feeling pretty sleepy most days and I need a rest if not a nap, not to mention a good 10-12 hours of sleep a night. There's a lot going on in there! There are days when I'm starving no matter how much I eat, but I've really one had one of those this week. I do want very specific food but I don't think any of it has been anything too weird. The oddest thing is probably the continuing propensity toward sour/tart things. Mild cherry peppers, sour candy, grapefruit juice, tart oranges... mmm!

That's about it for this week I guess. It gets more real every day.

Weight: +4 pounds - a little under where I should be overall, but right on schedule for a pound a week in this trimester.

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