Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 3 Part One: July 26-30

Kian's 2 week birthday was a big day.

Our nursery furniture finally came. It was supposed to take 4-6 weeks to arrive and ended up taking 10-11. The last few weeks of trying to get it delivered was a whole pain in the rear, but I don't think I'm going to go into details. It's here now, it's beautiful, and Kian's room is finally done.

Brian and I set everything up, including Brian moving the furniture around a few times until we found the best arrangement. My husband should be a designer I think, because none of my ideas worked and his is just right. We had the items delivered and set up so we didn't have to put anything together, but the highest mattress level on the crib was really high, so Brian already moved it down one level. All of the Pooh stuff looks just fab with the furniture, and the wall color is perfect. I still need to take pictures of the nursery all set up, but they will be coming shortly.

That night Brian's mom (aka Grandma Becky) arrived. She was so happy to meet Kian and couldn't stop saying how beautiful he is.

Friday was Kian's 2 week appointment with his doctor. Getting everything together to leave the house seems to be at least a little easier now, though I still feel like I'm taking half the house with me, and we only use a few things out of the bag. Again we got right in to see the doc which was really nice. He really has grown a ton, and is now weighing in at 6 pounds 7 ounces! That's half a pound in the last seven days. Holy cow. I'm glad he's gaining weight and doing well, and it helps me to relax about how breastfeeding is going. At the same time, he'll never be as small as he was, ever again. It's a bittersweet moment. Once again, it goes way too stinking fast!

His jaundice is totally gone now, his circ is healed and all is well! We had to get one more heel prick to do the follow up PKU test. It's a test for twenty-something genetic diseases required by law here. Other than the incredibly long wait at the lab it wasn't so bad. I think most of the crying was because the tech had to hold his foot and dab it on the paper over and over and he doesn't like being restrained. Another lady was there with her baby and when we walked in she said "See, that's what a real newborn looks like." Apparently both little boys share a birthday, but hers was 9lbs 9oz when he was born! To be honest he did look really huge to me, but I'm really used to my little tiny guy.

Saturday was yet another milestone, and one that as hard but also exquisite. We left Kian with Grandma Becky and went out for sushi! It's been over 8 months since I last had sushi, and Brian abstained with me, so this was a big moment. I know it's silly but we used to eat sushi a few times a month and it is the one thing I craved consistently all through pregnancy. Of course I cried when we left and tried to distract myself most of the time we were gone. Becky is totally capable and he ate well before we left, plus we were only 20 minutes from home but I still had a hard time with it.

It was pouring rain when we left and Brian joked that the power would be out when we got there. Just like that he jinxed us! Sure enough, when we pulled up there were cops directing traffic at the intersection and all the lights were out. I went inside and asked if they had any idea how long it would be, and their only estimate was 'quite a while'. We debated about what to do, and decided to try another sushi restaurant that I've heard is really good. We drove another 15 minutes or so, only to find it was closed! Oh man. One more sushi restaurant wasn't too far away, and I have eaten there before. It wasn't the best but it wasn't bad so we headed that way. As we got closer to our favorite place (which was on the way to this third place), I decided to call and just check. Lo and behold, their power was back up and they were serving food again! Hooray! We felt like we probably should have just stayed there and waited, but we had no way to know that. We were totally happy because they have some unique rolls we really wanted, and who knows when we'll be able to get away again. Hopefully soon Kian will be able to just come with us, but right now we have to limit the time he's in his carseat which makes it really hard.

Incidentally, the food was DELICIOUS. And in spite of feeling like Kian was a ticking time bomb at home, we made it before he was too fussy at all. I can't imagine leaving him with anyone who isn't family, or really leaving him at all for a while. It was just a few hours and I missed him so much. Only sushi made it worth it at all.

The rest of the weekend was laid back, and this morning (Monday), Becky headed for home. It was nice to have her here, but to some degree it is going to be nice to be 'just us' for a while. Brian goes back to work on Wednesday and then Kian and I can start to work on our routine. We'll see how we do. Right now Brian is at work for a short time, after dropping Becky off at the airport. It's the longest it has been just us two (and maybe the only time I've been alone with him - I can't remember if Brian has run any quick errands without any other family around). It's been good though. Clearly I'm updating my blog and I ate too! He's such a wonderful little guy, and I love him so much. We're incredibly lucky to have him.

One more note! Rather than putting pictures here, I opened a Shutterfly account. I'm going to see how it goes for now, though I know there are other picture websites available. For now you should be able to go to to see all kinds of pics. It does give you the option to order prints as well if anyone wants to do that. Otherwise you can just click on the thumbnails and see a larger picture. I haven't done any editing on any of them and some may be dark and/or blurry just so you know ;). If anyone has trouble with this feel free to comment here or shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do.

More to come later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big boy he is!! See all that cream is good for him. Glad you got away for awhile. The whole leaving but thinking about the baby the whole time will last forever!!! So get used to it.
You were loved just like that!!