Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pictures, For Real! Weeks 32 and 33

Hmm. It appears the picture difficulties may have been a Mozilla problem. It occured to me this morning that it's probably because the pic upload thing is a pop up. I'll have to mess with that.
In the meantime, here are the pictures reluctantly brought to you by Internet Explorer :).

For comparison's sake:

Week 32, taken June 28th

Week 33, taken July 5th

Week 32, front view
Week 33, front view

Yikes. I guess I really am growing as fast as I think I am. And for some reason my belly button continues to be all skewed to one side bizarrely. Silly baby, center yourself! Hee.

The plan is to take another set this week and every week hereafter so we can watch with amazement as I manage to not explode.

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