I'm going to try to do daily or almost daily updates for the next little while. This is for you, mommy!
So we're home after a 2 week trip to see Grammy and Papa and Aunt Jaime. It was a great trip as always and really nice to have some help and just relax!
He was an absolute angel on the plane ride home, fussing a little when his ears bugged him on the descent, but I would have fussed too if I thought it would help :). We're settling back in now, doing laundry and unpacking and dealing with attention starved puppies. I think he really misses Grammy, Papa, and Aunt Jaime because he keeps crying for no apparent reason. He doesn't have a fever or anything and his nose/cough seem to be getting better so it's the only thing I can think of. He had a really hard time going to sleep last night and I just know he's missing his Grammy time. He even cried through his whole bath and I had to cut it short!
We've had a pretty quiet day today outside of periodic screaming for no reason. He was fantastic and didn't poop at all on the airplane (thank goodness) so he made up for it with 2 poops today! Big, smelly, rice cereal poops at that. They were all contained by the diaper, but I tell you I am missing the breastmilk only non-smelly version right about now!
Grammy taught him to lift his chin so she could chew on his neck, and then how to give her yummy slobbery open mouth cheek kisses after. I got him to do it for me in Colorado, but now he just simply refuses. I ask him for kisses and I swear he turns his head away, sometimes with a little frown. Grammy told him not to share her kisses, and I think he's listening to her! Shoot. I liked those slobbery little kisses. Maybe he'll forget and start obliging me one of these days.
We read stories today and he still really likes them, even though we didn't have much in the way of real storybooks in Colorado. He also played in his Baby Einstein jumper thing for a while 2 different times. I don't think the toys on it are as fun as the ones at the ExerSaucer in Colorado, but he still did a good job. He also played on his tummy time mat for almost 30 minutes without a peep! I think he missed his rattley elephant. :)
In less pleasant news, I can't believe I almost forgot! Last night at around midnight I was slammed awake by huge banging noises outside and the dogs went crazy. I snuck out to see what was going on, and was greeted by something that looked like a hurricane outside my door! OK, it wasn't THAT bad but it was pouring rain and the wind was lashing the plants around like crazy. We have this huge (8 feet long I think) rubbermaid plastic chest that we put our pool toys in, and the wind caught it and slammed it into the fence and broke it apart! It does come apart but not easily, and all the pieces and contents were all flung around. The wind and rain were pelting me with these little icy droplets and it was freezing so I left it and went inside to see if there were any weather alerts. We had a flash flood warning - not watch, warning - for our area until 2:30 so of course I utterly panicked. I don't do well with foul weather, which is why I like Tucson so much. I called our closest friends (geographically close) even though it was midnight and luckily they were very cool about it, but they weren't even having much wind. It must have to do with the wash behind our house and how the wind moves down it. I ended up calling Brian after that and like, freaking out and bursting into tears. He calmed me down and assured me it would be OK and told me to check and see if the pool was overflowing and put a towel in front of the front door because our entryway doesn't drain well. The pool is several inches fuller than usual but still below the edge, and there wasn't even water leaking in the front so I relaxed a little. I left the TV on so I would hear any further warnings and stayed up for a few hours unable to sleep. This morning we were still here and the house didn't float away so I guess it's all good. Man, I hate the weather!
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