Kian's three week birthday! Holy smokes how time flies. I dressed him up in his baseball outfit for the first time, which of course made Brian very happy. It's true that he's awfully cute. There are pictures of him in it, with his Detroit Tigers tiger - a gift from Grandma Becky. On that same day is a picture of me with him, disheveled hair and all. Someday the pictures including me will be less embarassing, I hope! I still really need a haircut (even at the time of this writing, a few weeks later). At this point I may as well just try to grow it out, but THAT is a pain too. Bleh.
Anyhow! This week was a fairly quiet one. We had a weekend with just our family which was nice. We did a lot of hanging out, snuggling, and just enjoying each other.
Saturday Brian went and picked up my new glider-recliner. He put it together the next day, and for now it's in the living room. We got an ottoman too, and the combo is really very nice. It's a good place to sit with the laptop, so to some degree it's daddy's baseball watching chair for now. I don't mind sharing! The plan is for it to go in the nursery eventually, giving me a place to nurse once Kian is sleeping in there. For now though, my parents and Jaime are coming to visit next weekend and we'll need the space for the futon mattress so in the living room it sits. Surprisingly it fits pretty well and I think when we move it, we might just miss it!
On Sunday Kian had his first tummy trouble day, leaving him squirmy and fussy for most of the day. Now, Kian's fussy would be some babies' sunshine I'm sure, because he hardly ever cries or even fusses. If he does you know he needs something and as soon as you change, burp or feed him he's content again. This day he was obviously uncomfortable and he spit up far more than normal plus he seemed to have other gas in his tummy too. He didn't scream or anything but he just seemed uncomfy and wiggly the whole day. It was so bad I put a bib on him for the first time. He was sure cute in it! If you look at the pictures, somewhere in there he actually spit up on the bib, and I kept snapping photos but ended up taking the bib off and changing it not too much later. *sigh*
Kian's loving his bouncy seat now too, which is pretty new this week. He's heavy enough to stay in it instead of just sliding right off, and now that we put the batteries in he's loving the lights and sounds too. It has a mode where moving the hanging toys sets off the lights and sounds but I think it surprises him more than anything. I wonder when he'll start to have some concept of cause and effect, like, if I hit this the lights come on. For now sometimes it really startles him when his foot accidentally bangs a toy hard enough, so I mostly just leave it on the 'play music' mode for him :).
Now that Kian is more than 3 weeks old, I can start to pump for bottle supplements. I'm not pumping every feeding or anything, just occasionally. Monday Brian gave Kian his first bottle since the hospital. We decided to do it right before bed so he'd be really full and hopefully sleep. He ate over 4 ounces - I couldn't believe it! And THEN he was still hungry so I ended up nursing a little. Honestly that was OK with me, because hearing him fuss and suck had my milk rushing anyhow. Unfortunately it didn't really help him sleep better either, but on the plus side he took the bottle really happily, and that will evenutally give us a lot more freedom. Yay! Oh, and Brian was so cute! Pics at Shutterfly.
Wednesday we had our first play date. My friends Lauren and Bevin brought their kids, Carter 8 months and Masyn 3 months for lunch. I vacuumed because Carter is in the rolling around stage and I straightened a little, but in all the house did not get cleaned ahead of time. I just didn't have the energy to worry about it. Luckily everyone was so busy with the babies I don't THINK they noticed. Nice and neat and fresh vacuum marks goes a long way, apparently! They brought Quizno's, and stayed for a few hours of girl talk. At one point all the babies were fussy at once, but it only lasted a few minutes. My little angel hung out in his bouncy seat and fell asleep, letting me eat. Maybe he'll do that more often one of these days :). The visit was really nice, but oddly I don't really feel desperate for adult conversation. Brian's been coming home early at least a few days a week, my mom and I talk daily, and I have other folks I can call to chat. I guess I've always been a bit of a homebody, so I don't feel like I'm losing my mind or anything. Still, it was good to see them and to hang out. We'll have to do it again.
I can't believe my little man is almost a month old!
1 comment:
I know you were working on updating this blog. Your mom must have phoned and interrupted you and you never got back to it.
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