Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Week 22: April 13-19

My parents are coming next weekend! That is the big news and focus in my life right now. I had a whole list of things I wanted to accomplish before their arrival, but I decided that it wasn't worth the anxiety. I generally tend to deal with some level of anxiety anyhow, although it's usually more social anxiety than anything. Pregnancy has increased this quite a bit, but I think I'm dealing with it better, for the most part. Not that there isn't still a part of me looking at my list, and the calendar, and then my list again :). Mostly it's just a matter of prioritizing, and realizing that if X, Y and Z don't get done it's not a big deal and life will go on. Brian will likely be heading out for training from the end of May to the beginning of July so I keep counting, 4 weeks until he leaves, then there are 2 weeks until I'm 36 weeks along. It's really not unusual to deliver that early, so that means we could theoretically have 6 more 'together' weeks to get things around! And less than a week for some things until my family arrives. I am so thankful that my parents are fantastic and won't freak out or be judgemental if things aren't perfect.

Of course, if the fan/light fixture we bought for the living room when they were here last in the fall still isn't up (cough) my mom WILL most likely give me a ton of crap. I can't climb that high on the ladder though - my balance is never great and it's downright horrendous right now! Really, that's the excuse. I'm not lazy, I'm just pregnant *beam*.

I got a few great packages from the 'rents this week too. Two were full of 'my' old baby stuff, including some of my beloved Sesame Street picture books. a blanket used by my dad when he was a baby, and some new copies of old favorite books too! I am a book lover, and I hope the Pea will be too.

At the end of this week (4/19) was my 4th OB visit. Turns out latex paints aren't really harmful at all, though he did suggest aiming for good ventilation just the same. You mean I have to help paint the nursery? Oh man! Apparently, in spite of the fact that I am surprised at the way my weight gain has suddenly increased, I'm right on track per the doc. He also measured me for the first time (pubic symphasis to fundus, which is the top of the uterus) and said the baby is growing great! Of course, I know at this point I should be about 1cm per week, and at the end of this week I should be 22-23cm. I am 24. I'm glad he's getting big and strong, but boy do I hope I don't have to birth a 10lb baby at the end of this whole thing! We heard his heart, it's going strong. And I got a script for some heartburn meds because holy smokes do I have the acid reflux all of a sudden! It's really helping.

No major new symptoms other than that. The baby is officially kicking hard enough for it to be easily visible, even when Brian's halfway across the room. I can't wait for my mom and dad to come feel all the bounciness!

Weight - Prepregnancy +14 (gulp)
Heartrate of the Pea: 155
Symphasis to Fundus Measurement: 24cm
Things left to do to get the nursery and house ready: LOTS!


James said...

I so totally can't wait to see you guys. This is going to rock.

And as for the list - yeah, you get that from me (I have the list of "Things to do before we leave on the trip" - and yeah, I'm not making much progress - but hey, I have LOTS to do at work... cough) - and so I will of course not care about the house and only love being around you.

As for your mom... yeah, you might want to get that fan up. ;)

BTW: We leave in 2 mornings - yes, the day after tomorrow. I really hope the snow is melted off the front yard by then; otherwise its going to seem a little cold to leave on a motorcycle!

Anonymous said...

Hey, why you two think it is ok to openly discuss me to the world, I've yet to figure out!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you both put things off until the last minute, however, dad is the one who drives me crazy. As we know (and now the world), i have been trying to get him to organize his office and the basement for over 8 years!!!!
There will be special rules for all peamommys though, so know worry. You might look into having a "handy" man install lights since there is electricity involved (just a suggestion). I will be concentrating entirely on my baby and her baby this week!!! Can't wait to hit the road. Love you all (all three of you).