Well, I've decided that FB just isn't permanent enough for some things, and though the internet might not be forever either, this is at least better in some ways. I have been journaling on paper for the last few weeks, but am going to try to update this at least once a week too.
So here goes, a first post for my second pregnancy.
I am about 7 and a half weeks along and we have known for 2 weeks (yesterday). So far it seems a lot harder than it did last time around. The morning - I wish it was only in the morning - sickness is persistent and I am sooooo tired all the time. The last few days I have also had some pretty major pain, which thankfully the doctor thinks is just a cyst or even possibly some ligament stretching stuff. It is pretty difficult to be mobile at all, but as long as B stays supportive I know we'll get through it!
I can already see changes in my body which is crazy to me. I am not even sure we /knew/ when I was this far along with Kian.
Our first OB appt is Monday, so I will plan to post updates about all the fun things then. And probably I will make an announcement on FB then too, so people can actually come read this blog. :)
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