Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week 25: June 8-14

Fetus at 25 weeks from  ehd.org
I got the picture here and they have some cool pics for each week - you might want to check it out! There is also a neat video covering these weeks on this page at at babycenter.com

So Sprout is getting awfully big, and he is a crazy active, insane boy! He does have his quiet moments, but when he is moving around it's several minutes of non stop action. It makes me wonder what he will be like when he comes out of there! 

We've been talking a lot about names and are narrowing them down but the process has been a lot more difficult than it was with Kian. The middle name especially is giving us fits, as Brian doesn't like the one I love and he doesn't have any great ideas of his own. I hope we get it figured out before he's born :).

Though my OB appt was technically in week 26, I am happy to report that all is well, with a heartrate of 158. I am still measuring a couple of inches large, but that is 'normal' for me. I went to get my blood drawn FINALLY, figuring the gestational diabetes test was coming up and I needed to do them separately. Come to find out, I could have done them together :(. Oh well, one more blood draw won't kill me I suppose. The other interesting note is that I only gained one pound in the last month. Dr D gave me a kind of funny look and I told him it makes a difference when there's no trip full of amazing food in the month!

That means I am +16 pounds for the pregnancy, which is actually on the lower end of normal. Let's not talk about the fact that I am THREE pounds away from my Kian delivery weight. Eep. I am not really worried about it, but it does make me cringe just a tiny bit. Brian was asking me how much more weight I anticipate gaining, and of course it's really hard to tell. But I gained 29 pounds with Kian, and I have 14 weeks to go, so that's close to a pound a week and probably not too far off. We'll see!

The other big news is that I am finally getting a referral to a physical therapist for my back issues, thank goodness. I should have pushed to talk to Dr D himself when I called about the issues, I guess, because his front desk staff is not very good. The woman I spoke with supposedly talked to a tech and said I could see a prenatal massage therapist but had no recommendations and I didn't get very far trying to track one down. I feel much better about a doctor recommended, insurance covered physical therapist who specializes in peri-natal therapy. Phew!

In other news, I have started papercrafting again. Being able to get to  my desk makes a huge difference! I've made 4 cards in the last couple of weeks, and it is such a nice, peaceful past time. I didn't realize how much I had missed it. Now, if I could sit at the craft desk for more than a few minutes without back pain that would help! But luckily it's something I can do a bit at a time. Part of it has been learning some new coloring techniques, so Kian and I color together and it's pretty fun.

Let's see what else? Brian has his official orders and has put in a request for packers/movers. They come this week to do a weight estimate on our house. Yikes, I hope we come in under the limit! Especially since we're about to buy MORE bedroom furniture in Alabama and will have to move all that too next year :).

We have an appointment set with a realtor this week as well to discuss options. It looks like we will likely do a short sale, but we'll see.

I am trying to plan Kian's birthday party and I think we're going to do Chuck E Cheese. Now I just have to try to estimate how many people will come, without getting RSVPs because I need to reserve the space. Umm... ok. Well it will be an adventure, anyway! We are getting Kian a trampoline in AL at his 'second birthday' - we are asking family to send gifts after the move, and playing it up that he gets TWO birthdays this year. The last thing we need is more stuff to move!

All in all the pregnancy continues to be a difficult one, and my main stuff right now is the back pain (tailbone and rib/mid back), insomnia and heartburn. I am hoping some stronger meds on the latter two and the PT on the former will make me more comfortable. It's more real that there's really a baby coming, but I wish we all had more energy, time and focus for him. I feel like all the STUFF going on and the move take a lot out of us, and that it isn't really fair. Poor little Sprout. So I am trying to take some time each day to talk to him and think about him and get excited for his arrival. Right now I just keep focusing on and dreading the logistics, and my heart needs to overcome my brain!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sleepless Nights

The pregnancy insomnia has hit an all time low and I just can NOT sleep. Two nights in a row I barely got 3 hours of sleep, and last night I ended up actually getting up and crafting for a while because I couldn't stand the thought of tossing and turning for another minute. We're talking up from 12:30-4:30 and then waking up with Kian at 5:30, with restless, light dozing in between, It's awful.

I am also still having major back/rib/tailbone pain and the combination is making me totally grumpy. My poor family!

Last night I finally went and got some Tylenol PM, which is what my OB recommended I start with. I only took 1 (the dose is 2) and as Benadryl usually does, it knocked me right on my butt. I woke up a handful of times but quickly fell back to sleep. Once I had to go to the bathroom but dozed back off before I hauled myself out of bed. Disaster averted - I went the next time I woke up - but I probably should not take 2! I don't really love the heavy feeling of medication induced sleep, but I really needed some respite. I don't intend to take it every day or anything, and I hope that this will reset my cycle so I can sleep tonight naturally. We shall see!

The other side effect was some really bizarre dreams. I have been having a lot of anxiety/nightmare dreams and there were none of those. Just... odd. One in particular was a dream that Sprout was really big in my stomach and he felt so strange moving around in there. At one point he turned around, like his head was sideways and he went vertical then horizontal again and it felt like his feet were up in my throat. A completely bizarre sensation and I have no idea where my mind came up with it! It is likely partly because he is SO active and getting bigger all the time. No more butterflies, bubbles or popcorn - there are feet and hands and the pressure of a little head pretty distinctly. I can definitely see my stomach move when he kicks hard now, and it's pretty rare for me to go any length of time without him pummeling me. At least he's still pretty small!

Today I have to go get the bloodwork I've been avoiding done. I know I am just going to have to go back to do my glucose test, but I keep telling my OB nurse that I forgot to get it done. So while Kian is at school, I am biting the bullet. Wish me luck! *faint*

Friday, June 1, 2012

Week 23: May 25-31

At this point some of the pictures start being pretty crazy. Technically, some babies survive if born at this point so you end up with a lot of pictures of teeny preemie babies with all of the life supporting equipment they require. A big part of pregnancy at this stage tends to be high anxiety, which I have, and looking at all of those pictures is freaking me out. So no pictures, but you can Google it :).

Essentially, Sprout is pretty much all put together but his brain and lungs need lots of time to develop, he needs to get bigger, and he needs to put on weight. He's pretty much proportional though, just small and skinny.

Babycenter.com says:

Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With his sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that he's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see him squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing him for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze him when he hears them outside the womb.

This week has been awesome because my parents have been here. They got in on Friday afternoon and just left this morning for the next leg of their trip. The week really flew by! We swam and just spent time together, we cooked and ate too much food, and they got to drive around with me trying to get my car emissions tested so we could register it. Long story short, I have a faulty sensor that makes my engine light come on, and if you have the car parts place clear it, the emissions test knows you did that, and you don't pass. Plus no A/C while you wait in line (twice) in 100 degree weather, yay! We're going to pay the $8 late fee and get it sorted next week sometime instead.

I am feeling more movement all the time! I don't think Sprout could really get a lot more active, so it's probably just that he is getting bigger and stronger so I feel more. There are times during the day when he is quiet, but there's a pretty consistent sense of movement at least if not actual thumps, bumps, or kicks. If I am laying still and he isn't, I can actually see his harder kicks through my skin, which is awesome. My mom has gotten a lot of time feeling him roll and kick and 'play with Grammy', but my dad has a harder time feeling him. Still, pretty cool!

Symptom-wise, I am totally having the anxiety that I remember from last time. A little is baby-based, a lot is move-based, and some is just random overwhelming anxiety for no reason.

My tailbone continues to plague me and is definitely hurting pretty much anytime I am sitting in a chair, or on a bench, even if cushioned. My couch is good, and sitting cross-legged seems to help as well as some stretches my mom showed me. Usually if I can get that bit comfy, my mid back hurts. We think I might have a rib that's doing something weird because it really hurts both near my spine and near my sternum. It's been giving me fits for a few months now, but the pain is officially constant this week and getting worse. I have the names of a few prenatal massage therapists but it's causing me (get ready for it) anxiety so I haven't called yet. I guess I need another day or two for the pain to outweigh the discomfort of having a stranger touch me, either in some place I've never been, or to have said stranger in my house. I can't decide which is worse.

I am big enough now that my balance is all kinds of out of whack, and when you combine that with the back/tailbone issues, it's a real hoot watching me get up and down. Or at least that is how it seems, since everyone keeps chuckling at me! There is also an occasional waddle sneaking through, and it's just going to get worse!

Sprout is taking up too much space in my abdomen now, leaving less room for food. I'm still eating plenty I am sure *eyes the scale* but sometimes I stop because my skin is stretched more than because my stomach is full. And if I do eat too much, Sprout lets me know, lemme tell you! He kicks and squirms and pushes, either because he doesn't like being squished or I am just able to feel him better with the extra pressure. Based on how he reacts to people pushing on my belly/doppler/ultrasound/etc, I am betting it's the former.

I haven't weighed myself today and I ate a bunch of oatmeal, so I'll just report the findings at the BEGINNING of this week. Which is that I lost 2 pounds of the 6 I gained on the trip. That puts me up a total of 12 for the pregnancy, and just 7 tiny pounds away from my delivery weight with Kian. I am, of course, not using that as a goal. And my OB said my weight is just fine! My appointment was the day before this 'week' started, but I'll just also report that I am measuring 2-3 inches larger than 'average' at this point. Since that was how I carried with Kian too, and I have had 2 ultrasounds, she said it must just be my body. But I am bigger than a lot of other pregnant women at this stage - it's not in my head!

Other highlights of the week included Family Fun Day at Purple Heart Park with Kian, Grammy and Papa on Saturday, brunch at Sweet Tomatoes and The Avengers with just the adults, and my 10th anniversary! Grammy and Papa watched Kian so Brian and I could go see Dark Shadows and go to Melting Pot for dinner. All in all it has been an awesome week in spite of all the physical discomfort. And yeah, I know I can't whine if I don't call the massage therapist to do something about it. Kian had his last official day of preschool a week ago and is now doing 'inter-session' classes. He's still going 3 hours a day, 3 days a week but a bit later in the day. Which means I have to pack him a lunch, so we are going to get him a real big boy lunch box this weekend!

I Suck At This!

Big surprise, right?

To be fair, the weeks leading up to our Big Trip were totally overwhelming and I still intend to write up a whole trip report of our cruise and surrounding Florida fun. I feel like this pregnancy, in spite of being far more difficult than the last one, is going way too fast. I think it's because of all the other stuff going on in our lives. So today I am going to write up this last week (#23) and then go back to fill in later. Maybe.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weeks 16-18: April 6-26

From the Texas Department of State Health website

Baby Center has some awesome info including a video about this stage of development  if you're curious.

By the end of week 18 (from smartmomma.com):

Week 18 shows the baby measuring about 5 ½ inches long, with a weight of almost 7 ounces. Along with the lanugo (downy-like hair covering baby’s body), the baby has accumulated vernix (a white cheese-like protective coating) on his body. This protects the baby’s skin by keeping it moisturized in your amniotic fluid.
This is the time when his vocal cords are forming, and he begins to practice vocalizing. Hhe will begin to cry, although without air, no sound will escape her. This is strictly for practice.
If you have a pregnancy ultrasound this week, the technician should be able to make out the baby’s heart well, including the ventricles and chambers. His brain is growing rapidly as well, and all the major areas will be differentiated. He is starting to respond to stimuli, and in the coming weeks, he will love hearing your voice.
An ultrasound will also now reveal your baby’s sex, unless he is shy and has his legs crossed. A girl will have her uterus and Fallopian tubes formed, along with her genitals and a boy will have pronounced genitals as well, visible with an ultrasound.

Weight: At my April 12th appointment I was up 5 pounds (total) and now at the end of week 18 I am up 6-7 depending on the day. According to the doc, that's all totally normal especially since I am really showing now. He would be happy with 5 pounds of gain every 4 weeks, and typical weight gain at 17 weeks is 5-13 pounds so I'm right where I should be. Phew.

Symptoms have been weird and I think I am getting the shaft this pregnancy! Off and on over these weeks I have had bouts of nausea that don't seem to be related to anything. My doctor theorizes it's just hormone surges, which may continue throughout the pregnancy. Does someone have pom poms I can borrow? One day it was bad enough that I had to pull over and vomit on the side of the road. That was definitely a low point. The last week it seems to be mostly better, though slight queasiness in the afternoon isn't unusual.

The round ligament pain continues, and is another thing that will likely remain throughout the pregnancy. I am learning how to make it a little less likely when rolling over and getting up and things, but it still gets me sometimes. My tailbone is way worse though, and sitting in an actual chair pretty much always means standing up will be extremely painful. Not looking forward to a cross country drive this summer!

Sleep is still either elusive or overwhelming. I don't seem to sleep very soundly at night and tend to get my best sleep after Brian is awake and there aren't two restless people in bed. Naps are also hard to come by some days, even if Kian lays down I can't always get to sleep myself. I tell myself it's just practice but I spend a lot of time pretty worn out.

A new symptom is mild Braxton Hicks contractions. I thought it was just weird pressure, but one happened during the ultrasound and the tech told us what it was. She said my body is just going to be super ready when the big day comes! It's not painful, just uncomfortable so no big deal.

I am definitely feeling movement regularly now, both pressure/rolling sensations and little feet and fists. Brian has felt some of the larger rolling movements but I can't seem to catch a kick so he can feel it. Since I sit with my hand on the baby a lot, I have felt a few from the outside, so it's just a matter of time.

Let's see... April 13th we took Sprout to his first air show, and Kian had a great time. We got to see some cool aerobatic stuff I've never seen before so that was fun. That evening my MIL Becky came in to town and stayed for four days. We went through the Saguaro National Forest, finally made it down to Tombstone, and had a date night to go see Hunger Games. All in all a really fun weekend! It's great when Kian gets to spend some real quality time with a grandparent, but always makes me wish we lived closer.

I have been spending a lot of time planning, researching and preparing for our big trip May 7-19, which includes a trip to Florida and our first ever Disney cruise! I am quite certain that it would have been a fun time with far less planning, but I've (mostly) enjoyed the research. Now we're coming down to final details and I'm starting to be anxious but I am sure we'll have an amazing time. It's sort of like a babymoon! Time to focus on Kian while he's still an only child.

The ultrasound gets its own post when I scan the pics in, but suffice it to say that all is well and Sprout is officially a boy! Though I am still not great at keeping this silly thing updated, here we are, all caught up. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 15: March 30-April 5

Baby at 15 weeks
Baby at 15 weeks:

Your baby is a about the size of an orange by pregnancy week 15, between 4 and 4 and ½ inches long and weighing more than 1 ½ ounces. This week your baby will start producing lanugo, which is fine hair that will cover your baby's body up until a few weeks before birth.
Your baby's bones are starting to get harder during pregnancy at 15 weeks and will continue to do so throughout your pregnancy. Your baby is spending most of his time practicing breathing, by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. This helps your baby's air sacs develop during pregnancy.
Your baby continues to form taste buds at this point in time. Your baby’s legs are longer than his arms at this point. Eyebrows and hair may appear, and if your baby is going to have dark hair the hair cells which color it will start to produce their color.
(From http://momswhothink.com)

Weight: Vegas KILLED me on my super amazing no weight gain track record. I gained 5-6 pounds on that week, and though I thought I might shed a bit, I totally didn't. So, up 4 pounds!
The week after Vegas I was totally exhausted. I am sure part of it was due to the trip, but I firmly believe a big part of it was explosive Sprout growth. My abdomen is trying it's very best to stretch and grow appropriately, making for tons of round ligament pain as the ligaments thicken and strengthen to support the growing weight of my abdomen.
I also had a day with heart palpitations this week, which is a first for this pregnancy. It wasn't bad at all but I was a little dizzy and a lot tired. Dandruff is in full force, and the tailbone is still really bothering me. It's not too bad when I am sitting still (a little stiff or sore sometimes), but then it's excruciating to get up or walk. So reclining is best. Poor me, right? XD
I thought I might have felt a few tiny flutters of movement this week, but nothing significant or consistent and let's be honest, it could be digestion! I am eagerly awaiting the days of movement, because it still seems pretty unreal that there's a baby in there. In spite of all the other symptoms, I mostly just feel like it's been a really long and bizarre sickness. It isn't that I'm not happy, I just still can't wrap my head around the end result.
Brian flew nights most of the week, which just wreaks havoc with all of our schedules. He is home until 12 (or in some cases as late as 2pm) and then doesn't get home until midnight or later. It's hard on Kian when he finally leaves, for one thing. For another, I don't sleep as well without him here because I wake up at every tiny sound - and there are a lot of sounds in our house! This is hilarious because he generally sleeps like the dead and doesn't wake up to Kian screaming his head off, so on a normal night if one of these tiny sounds was a burglar or something, we would all be toast. :P Then he gets home in the wee hours and though he's quiet he almost always wakes me up. He turns on the TV, he can't get comfy, and then when he does he snores (sorry honey). And of course with or without pre-school, Kian is up no later than 6:30, which cuts my sleep short and interrupts Brian's cycle too. It's just not ideal and we have another week of it ahead!
The other big side effect of Vegas is that Brian took several days off and Kian was totally spoiled and stimulated almost every day! They went to the desert museum, they had a picnic on Mt Lemmon and played in the snow/went hiking, they spent a lot of time at the park and they went to a baseball game. They talked about going to Phoenix for ice skating and I think Brian is glad they skipped it because it was a lot for everyone concerned. The boys had a blast but Kian has been needy, bored and cranky all week. Having B here in the early day makes it rough too, like I said, because we are creatures of routine normally.

No suprise

It should be no surprise to anyone that I haven't posted in a month. Oops, bad me. I have been spending a ton of time trip planning, both for my Vegas trip and our upcoming FL trip/cruise combo, and my tailbone is killing me if  I sit in a chair for too long so my computer time has been limited.

Having said that, rather than trying to catch up I am going to make the next post about the past week, and then I will try to post some Vegas stuff. :).

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weeks 11 and 12: March 2-15

It is official, I missed a week! I was waiting for pictures from my friend Ashleigh and then I just... didn't post. Oops. So let me think back.

I know that starting on the first day of week 12 my nausea magically disappeared! It was amazing. I still can't handle turkey lunchmeat (not even just the smell) so Brian is stuck adding it to his own sandwiches for now. Outside of that I'm often very hungry all the time, which is actually a nice change. The insomnia continues and the ligament pain is getting worse. I had an OB appt on 3/13 and she assured me it is totally normal, including acting out how it feels (or how you look when experiencing it) and even Brian agreed that looked about right. Sprout's heartbeat was a steady 150-155, doing great!

Weight: I am still -2lbs on my pre-pregnancy weight. Rita (the OB's assistant who did our appt) says that means I get to eat my way through my upcoming trips. Score!

I am also cleared for flying next weekend and doing the cruise in May, which is awesome since both are non-refundable at this point.

Today is the beginning of my second trimester and I am looking forward to the supposed energy boost, since I am exhausted all the time.  I caught a cold from Kian which is probably not helping at all. Thank goodness it's Friday and tomorrow I get to sleep in!

Sprout is the size of a peach, about 3 inches long! Sprout's intestines are moving from the umbilical cord into his/her abdomen. Fingernails are there, and the head is starting to be proportionate, so more and more all the the time it looks like there's a tiny human in there instead of a big-headed alien embryo with a tail. XD

I have a lot coming up - Vegas next weekend which should be awesome. An adult trip, with no Kian, and lots of time to have a leisurely meal or sleep in as late as I want. I got some "grown up coloring books" on Amazon today and I plan to make good use of those too.

Now, for some pictures! All from 12 weeks - 3/11/12

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 10: February 24-March 1

Fetus at 10 weeks

From babycenter.com:
Though he's barely the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce, your baby has now completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature.
He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.
If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin.
In other developments: Your baby's limbs can bend now. His hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of his spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from his spinal cord. Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body. From crown to rump, he's about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, your baby will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches.
Pretty incredible!
I keep waiting for the whole "around week 10 morning sickness goes away" thing. I have great days that are totally nausea free, and then I have days where I am sick as a dog (see the previous post). The good days are starting to outweigh the bad. Post-breakfast seems to be the most commonly bleh time, and I've gotten in the habit of lunching late to accommodate that.
Fatigue - always! I am still not sleeping very well at night, and am trying to employ pillows to help. They don't help! Brian is great about letting me nap though... when he's around.
Aches and pains - See previous post for cyst madness. In between I'm still having lots of ligament type stretching/growing pain. And sneezing hurts like heck! So does things like, oh, Kian laying down and sticking an elbow in my (VERY SENSITIVE OW OW OW) boob. Then I lift up and scooch back and OW OW OW tummy muscle strain weird, OK Kian how about you not lay with me for a second while I try not to cry.
Speaking of the 'girls', they are growing again. It's about time for me to go get some new bras. OMG seriously? I remember this happening last time but I still swear it didn't happen so early. Maybe I am wrong!

We went to a "Family Friday" on base. My first burger was medium rare at best so I had to get a new one. Cooked to a crisp burger with American cheese and ketchup? Hello heaven! I keep craving them now.
Kian was great and made a new friend who was 6 and clearly Kian's hero.He could draw A-10s, he is good at math AND he likes Star Wars. Luckily the little boy was very nice and let Kian (and I) tag around behind him for most of the party.
We also got to see a bunch of the babies who were at Kian's birthday and are now SO BIG. I forget how fast it happens. And I officially have the pregnant, I want to see and touch all the babies so I remember good things are coming, thing. I don't know any of the moms of little babies well enough to ask to hold them, but I looked a lot.
The rest of the week was fairly uneventful outside of my one really bad night. Brian and I had a few really good conversations in the evenings, which is always awesome.
We also booked our Disney Cruise! 5 night Bahamian on the Magic starting May 9th. Which is cutting it close for a lot of things, like planning. Who  knew there was so much info on cruising!? They also have a 24 weeks pregnant cut off date, and I will be 21 weeks. I will probably be the most pregnant woman on board! Now to try and figure out what to wear without spending a million dollars. XD
I suck and we did not take a belly pic this week, but a friend is coming to take a bunch next weekend!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bad Night (A very whiny post)

Yesterday was one of the worst I've had in this pregnancy, I think.
I had my 'usual' nausea during the day, but it lasted from the time I woke up until about 3:30. I ate some breakfast anyway but it wasn't good and I just felt sick. When the nausea finally waned in the midafternoon, I ate some toast and then nibbled on a few pretzels. I was working my way through that second snack when Brian called around 4:15 to say he was on his way home but had to stop to run an errand, so he'd be home by 5:30. Somewhere in that following hour, all heck broke loose.
First I got horribly nauseated again.
I am pretty sure the lack of actual throwing up was sheer force of will on my part and even then it was a very near thing. Then the pain started. I believe it is just the cyst I was dealing with a few weeks ago. It seems to be in the same spot and is the same quality of pain, though it was much more intense last night. Then I was so so incredibly tired out of nowhere.
When Brian got home I was like, barely coherent. I told him I was sick and hurting and he said my hand felt like it was burning up, and asked if it was 'different', and did he need to call the doctor. Since I wasn't bleeding I said no.
He got dinner for himself and Kian and that was awesome. Somewhere in there one of the dogs had an accident and he dealt with that too, which was good because apparently by that point I was hurting enough that I was slurring my words. I was pale but my cheeks were red and my eyes looked a little funny. Brian asked at least 2 more times if he needed to call anyone or take me to the hospital.
Please realize that when I unraveled a nerve in my arm and it didn't work FOR A MONTH he was irritated at taking me to the ER, and when Kian had an adverse reaction to albuterol at 2 months he was annoyed at being stuck in the ER for 5 hours. So this must have been pretty bad.
By 7 I could take Tylenol again (because earlier in the afternoon I dumbly took some for a headache that must have been the precursor to all this), and that really helped. I am not certain I actually had a fever, but it brought my body temp down and took the edge off the pain.
I finally ate some crackers (in bed) at 9 o'clock, and that was the end of the nausea. I hurt enough to not sleep well after that though.
On the very bright side, today I am hungry and so far without nausea at all. It still hurts but it's totally bearable and I haven't even taken anything for it. I am, of course, exhausted from not sleeping but when Kian naps so will I.
So a long, whiny post from me! But I wanted to record it in case it happens again, so I can hopefully compare some or at least have a note of the date. And now you know why I will probably ignore you if you call today. If I am resting all the ringers are going off! :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 9: February 17-23

9 week old fetus
From TheBump.com (who is using 'she' for this post, and I'm to lazy to change it to she/he. Not an indication of what I want or think Sprout is or anything)

  • This is a milestone. She's no longer an embryo -- now she's a fetus!
  • She's developing more distinct facial features.
  • And she might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.
  • She's gaining steam! At 9 weeks, your baby measures around .9 inches and weighs about .07 ounces.

So I have realized that I am doing these updates weirdly. Like, I am trying to post at the beginning of week 10 (though in this case I am a few days late), and post about week 9. But by the time I post, the baby isn't 9 week size/development anymore because all of the info talks about how the baby is at the beginning of Week X. I didn't really talk about development stuff last time, and to be perfectly honest I feel like my brain is full of oatmeal today so maybe this isn't the best time to be trying to figure this out. If you have any thoughts on whether I should be posting the 'start of week 10' info with my week 9 update, or the 'start of week 9' info with it, let me know! Maybe I'll change it next week.

But for now! At the end of the week, I have gained 1-2 pounds. That's what less vomiting'll do for you. So now I am -2 or -1 compared to my pre-pregnancy weight.

Symptoms: Fatigue is still a big one. I could sleep all day every day, and sometimes if I lay down to read I wake up thirty minutes later. Of course, I am still not sleeping soundly even at night. It's like this light, restless sleep that wants to happen all the time. I feel like it's sort of like the Fight Club insomnia thing. Never really asleep but never really awake. It is not as cool as Ed Norton and Brad Pitt make it seem :).
The nausea is getting better all the time. It's pretty common for me to feel icky between like 9am and 2pm, but breakfast and dinner are easier. Some days there's no nausea at all! And then I think, "Am I done? Maybe it's gone!" Only to feel awful the next day. No more getting my hopes up.
Ligament pain is a constant thing. Twice this week I have sneezed and it hurt nearly badly enough to make my cry. But I am a wimp! There's all sorts of weird stretching and growing going on down there.
Pregnant brain is such a real thing for me. I am always forgetful but now it's way worse. And I can't focus, or think of words, or type. And I forget things like... I fill the washing machine with clothes and detergent and dial the setting but don't his start. Or Brian asks me to make a phone call and I rack my brain all day and can't remember what it is. It's frustrating. See comment about my brain being filled with oatmeal, above.

Events: We went to a party at the house of one of the guys Brian was working with (he just transferred to a different area) last Sunday, where I chowed down on all kinds of food! Including the best ribs I have ever eaten. Brian was super helpful with Kian so I was mostly able to just sit and talk, which was nice.

I feel like this week passed in a haze of exhaustion and pregnant brain (it's a real thing). Kian had his big field trip last Wednesday and no school for the rest of the week, so we just took it easy. I feel like I have nothing to report!

I guess the biggest weird thing I am experiencing is my mental state. I am showing more all the time and I feel like crap so much of the time, but it still doesn't quite feel... real. Like in the end I'll have a baby. What? The novelty of the situation has worn off and I am not feeling well, but the end is so far down the road, it's like I'm in a weird miserable limbo state.

Brian continues to tell  me he thinks my first trimester with Kian was worse. I think some of the smell sensitivity was worse, but I know I didn't actually throw up nearly as much. I slept a lot but it seemed somehow easier, and I am sure there wasn't this level of ligament (or whatever) pain at this stage. We were talking about it and I decided the difference was that we didn't have Kian then. So I was the Pregnant Princess and it was all about me! So I whined when I didn't feel well and I slept when I wanted, and hardly got off the couch when Brian came home. He didn't have a 4 year old to entertain so he did a lot more cooking and laundry and helping out around the house, where now he feels like 'entertaining Kian is enough helping' (his words not mine) or 'all he has energy for'. So I think it's less that this time is easier and more that I  expected/anticipated the discomfort, I don't tell him as much when I feel rotten, and I know that if I don't do stuff it's not getting done. Kian needs to eat. He needs clean clothes. He needs to be watched and entertained and taught and taken to and from school. He needs a bath. And all these things are my job and mine alone. So I suck it up and get it done, and I try to maintain the rest of my jobs as well. Brian agrees that's probably true, and then thanked me for not whining (though not for doing more around the house necessarily).

So I think that sums it up. Sick, tired, hurting, brain dead, but trying to suck it up. And looking forward to the second trimester and feeling the baby kick and all the things that made me love being pregnant last time. It's coming, right?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ultrasound #1 - February 17, 2012

If you click on these pictures, you will see a larger version.

Today was rainy and cool. We've had an unseasonably warm winter, and today we finally had a day that felt like February. Hooray for wearing a snuggly sweater and going to Mimi's Cafe for French onion soup before our appointment! Brian left work to do lunch with us and we brought Kian with us to the appointment.

We arrived a little early, but they were in a meeting so we didn't actually go back until about 1:10. At that point it all went really quickly because they took us straight into a sonogram room and the tech wasted no time in getting started. It was cool because there was the ultrasound unit but also a big TV on the wall, so Brian could sit in a chair with Kian and still see what was going on.

I got all settled on the bed and she said, "You're about 9 weeks along? Is this because the doctor thinks you are less than that?" My first clue that maybe I am not as huge as I think I am. To be fair, I was laying on my back at that point!

The tech was really good and found the Sprout with no problem. Even I could see right away where the head was, where the rump side was, and that there was clearly only one baby in there. Cue a rush of relief mixed with maybe a tiny bit of disappointment. I prepared myself too well! But then I could see the little heart fluttering away and I teared up and reached for Brian's hand. She pointed things out even though the view was  so good there really wasn't any need. The measurement showed Sprout to be 9 weeks, 1 day where my count had me at the day before 9 weeks. So I've adjusted things to compromise and made Friday my week switch over day (so the due date is Sept 21). Not that these things /really/ matter except to help me think about them. As Brian said, "So... now the due date is still late August?" Pretty much.

She also checked my ovaries and said there is indeed at least one cyst on my left ovary. I haven't had any pain at in that area for a few days, but it's kind of nice to know that there is one on there, that I  might have more discomfort from it but it probably will not be anything to worry about. And that it wasn't just gas pain or ligament pain when I was insisting it was sharper, different, and more intense. Knowledge is good!

She could also see the corpus luteum graviditatis on that side, which she implied meant that the egg came from that ovary. I am not totally sure how accurate that is (as in, I'm not sure both sides don't have one - need to do some more research) but if that is true, that's kind of cool to know.

Brian took the ultrasound snapshots to work or I would have posted them yesterday. He's like a kid with a cookie! After coming home last night, he did admit that he felt "a little cheated" because he was all ready for twins too. I admitted that there were some things about the prospect that seemed like they would be fun. But I had focused too much on the lack of sleep when Kian was newborn, not to mention the logistics of space and a second crib, and the additional expense, and needing an extra bedroom unless they were same sex as they got older and and and *pant*.

So mostly I felt relieved. And glad to meet Sprout and see that there really is a healthy little baby with a strong heartbeat in there. Brian grabbed the pictures and said, "Honey! There is a human being in there!" with a big grin. Pretty much! It makes it all much more real.

I talked to Kian ahead of time about what we would see, and he seemed to enjoy it though I'm not totally sure how much he really understood. He was very upset that Brian took the pictures with him and has asked to see them a ton since Brian brought them home. He calls Sprout "my baby" and asks to see "the pictures of  my baby". So adorable. I guess My Baby is better than 'beezee' which is what he was suggesting we should name the baby earlier in the week. XD

Week 8: February 9-16

Fetus at 8 weeks
From MedicineNet.com (the picture is from this article as well):
The baby is now about the size of a grape - almost an inch in size. Eyelids and ears are forming and even the tip of the nose is visible. The arms and legs are well formed. The fingers and toes grow longer and more distinct.

My weight: Still -3 lbs in spite of the visible bump and my uterus being larger than usual at this stage. Nausea, I guess!

Since I did a mid-week post and the ultrasound changed my due date a little, this post will be pretty brief!
My goal is to do a recap like this once a week regardless of other midweek posts. Reading back over the blog when I was pregnant with Kian I really like the recaps. And as much as I thought "OMG I was crazy to post my weight the whole time," it's kind of nice to be able to see it and possibly compare. So for now, I'll be tracking that too. Yikes.
2/17/12 - end of 8 weeks
2/17/12 - bare belly end of 8 weeks

This was truly a week of ups and downs. The cyst pain diminished considerably but I started having more general ligament pain. It is hard to articulate but the difference in the sensation is very obvious. On Thursday, the phone rang while I was laying down and I rolled over to get it and the sudden pain was enough to bring pain to my eyes. Even though it's not every time I bend or stretch or roll over I am trying to be more careful now.

I continue to crave fruit but have added salty things back into the mix. Pickles are fantastic right now (no, not with ice cream) because they are crunchy and juicy but also sour and salty! What a great invention. I am still experiencing some nausea but it's a lot less frequent and seems to happen mainly in the morning and anytime I let myself get hungry - so snacks are good! Other than that, smells are getting more and more pronounced and it's starting to affect my sense of taste a little. This is hard to explain too though I remember it from last time. Some things just don't taste quite like I expect them too, and I am pretty sensitive to salt. So even though I want salty things they can't be too salty. And I want fruit, but some of it tastes like the refrigerator and then it isn't good. Don't ask. Yes, in other words I am a totally picky pain in the butt. At least I am buying, fixing, getting my own food so it's not like this whole thing is bothering anyone else.
Other symptoms: Occasional headaches, peeing all the time, tons of fatigue and insomnia. The insomnia started in earnest this week, leaving me awake in bed for half the night. I told Brian I think maybe it's my body reminding me that four hours of sleep is plenty, in preparation for the Sprout's arrival. Oof.

After our appointment on Monday, I spent a lot of time first worrying about and then trying to prepare myself for the possibility of twins. I am going to do a post with ultrasound info next, but suffice it to say that was a big waste of time :). I also did some web surfing for other pregnancy blogs and things, which is fun. I should have been working on organizing stuff (since I have tubs of clothes and bags to go to Goodwill in my room from last weekend) but the fatigue is killer. I admire all of you pregnancy buddies of mine who are working full time! I have no clue how you do it.

2/12/12 New "pointy hair"
Kian had his Valentine's Day party at school and had a great time. I got him a Valentine's sock monkey that talks and he loves it and cracks up at everything it says.

Kian quote of the week:
After eating a huge lunch, I asked him if he was going to explode. He looked at me with very serious, big eyes and said:

"If I exploded, my body would go *kaboom sound effects* and there would be goo and blood everywhere! My skin would come off and you would see down to my bones, and I would probably be dead. So no, I am not going to explode." Right!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pregnancy Week 8 (Feb 11-17 2012): Showing Already?

8.5 weeks - 2/15/12
Over the weekend my belly officially started popping out. On Friday (2/10), one day before 8 weeks along, I decided my normal jeans were finished. My belly was already starting to curve but beyond that I was just so uncomfortable. Brian dragged my bin of maternity clothes out of the attic, and even though I thought my butt was going to be too big, all the early stuff fit! We also went to Ross and got a pair of yoga pants and an extra pair of jeans. Sweet relief.

Speaking of relief, every time I think I am getting some I end up being mistaken. Reading back over this blog I see that B is right and I did suffer from a lot of nausea last time too. I keep feeling like it was only the first few weeks and then it was really intermittent, but maybe I am wrong! It's that thing where your memories are all rosy and happy so that you'll go through this whole pregnancy thing again. So this time I have been dealing with major fatigue and nausea, and more vomiting than last time. Any time I get even a little hungry? Nauseous. Lots of smells, sometimes just the thought of food - nauseous. And of course in the morning, and sometimes all day, and even sometimes after I feel fine and eat and get happy and full and then... nauseous. I am looking forward to the second trimester.

Comparison photo - 12 weeks along last time
Which might be sooner than I thought! Like I said, this week I've already started showing quite a bit. The picture posted here (from today 2/15 - 8.5 weeks) is early morning before breakfast, so it's as small as I get. Food/bloating/evening all makes it more pronounced. Come to find out, it's not just my opinion! We had our first OB exam on Monday and he agrees that my uterus is high/large. So there's an ultrasound scheduled for Friday to determine exactly why that is. Could be that I am further along than I think, that things didn't shrink all the way down after Kian, or of course the big doozy that it could be twins. I am not going to freak out until we know for sure, but really anything but the not shrinking version would have its share of difficulties. I know we'll get through anything though!

On the plus side, the cyst/ligament pain is almost completely gone now, other than an occasional little twinge and I am having more good periods and even whole good days with more energy and less stomach upset. We've started chatting about names a little, though B doesn't want to get down to the nitty gritty until we know if it's a boy or a girl.

Kian is very excited and is already telling people he is a big brother. He talks daily about the baby and things he will teach him/her when it arrives. He wants a baby girl and has asked for butterfly wings and a sparkly pink headband if it is a girl. Of course he also asks for two babies (I want TWINS) several times, so hopefully he understands he may not get what he wants.

He is getting so big! We went to get his hair cut this weekend and he requested 'pointy hair' so I have been styling it with a little bit of product since then. It's a big hit but he looks like he's about 8 years old! I get that twinge of 'my baby is getting so grown up!' and then I think again that the timing of this pregnancy is good.

Ultrasound pics in a few days!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bad Blogger, Take Two!

Well obviously it has been /years/ since I have updated this blog. To some extent Facebook and it's short updates took the place of these longer entries, since things got very busy with a growing boy and then a toddler.

Well, I've decided that FB just isn't permanent enough for some things, and though the internet might not be forever either, this is at least better in some ways. I have been journaling on paper for the last few weeks, but am going to try to update this at least once a week too.

So here goes, a first post for my second pregnancy.
I am about 7 and a half weeks along and we have known for 2 weeks (yesterday). So far it seems a lot harder than it did last time around. The morning - I wish it was only in the morning - sickness is persistent and I am sooooo tired all the time. The last few days I have also had some pretty major pain, which thankfully the doctor thinks is just a cyst or even possibly some ligament stretching stuff. It is pretty difficult to be mobile at all, but as long as B stays supportive I know we'll get through it!

I can already see changes in my body which is crazy to me. I am not even sure we /knew/ when I was this far along with Kian.

Our first OB appt is Monday, so I will plan to post updates about all the fun things then. And probably I will make an announcement on FB then too, so people can actually come read this blog. :)