We've had a busy few days, so no updates!
Thursday Kian had his 4 month vaccinations. One gave him a red welt (which is fading but still there) and the other two gave him a huge bruise. It was bad enough that I think they actually may have accidentally hit some sort of blood vessel. Poor kid. He was so brave though, and only cried for a few seconds. The tech who gave the shots is the same guy who did them last time, so I was prepared to grab the gauze myself and didn't bring him in good clothes since the last ones got all bloodstained. >: He also squeezed way too much of the oral vaccine out at once, leaving Kian spluttering and spitting it out all over. I could have done a far better job myself. Oh well.
He was a little feverish and tired and fussy all day but not too bad. The next morning he felt warm so I checked his temp and it registered at 103 degrees! I totally freaked out and dialed the Dr but then I realized that he didn't feel that warm or even close, so I took it again. 101.3. Still a fever, but nothing to freak out over. A third try showed the same temp so I relaxed and decided to take his temp more than once before panicking in the future.
Brian came home Friday night and it has been so great to have him home. I'm to the point now where I don't need nearly as much help to retain my sanity with Kian, so the help he does give me is just like, a total bonus. And of course I missed him SO MUCH.
Saturday night we put Kian in his own bed, but at 2am he woke up absolutely screaming. I went in and he was really cold, so I snuggled him in my blankets and put him back in his Pack and Play. We turned the heat up the next night and tried again, but this time I was up constantly giving his pacifier back. My mom suggested I just get him off the paci, but I don't think he's ready for that. And I'm not ready for several sleepless nights ATM. Plus, I really miss him when he's not in with me. So for now he's back in our room. I am such a wimp.
Sunday we did some shopping and went out to lunch. Kian was so very good, and he fell asleep in the restaurant, and when I put him in his car seat he stayed asleep. So we had dessert! It was really fun, it almost felt like a date :). It makes me feel like we might be approaching something like a normal life again, which is a relief.
Tuesday was a BIG DAY. I added bananas to his rice cereal and we ate in the morning. The doc said when we introduce new foods we need to do it in the morning so I can watch him all day for an adverse reaction. So we're doing breakfast and dinner now! Woo! He really liked the bananas. The first bite his eyes got all wide and he looked like he wasn't sure what to think about the taste party going on in his mouth. After that he really snarfed it and hardly spit any out which was good. I also got him a sippy cup and we tried that on Monday night, but he had a hard time with it. So Tuesday morning we did a bottle with the handles instead, which worked better. That night he was not real thrilled with plain rice cereal, but he was tired and hungry too which could have been part of it. He has to do the bananas for a few days before we can have it at night time so he just has to deal :).
This morning he did great with the bananas again and the water too. He seemed to still be hungry so I gave him some plain bananas without cereal mixed in and he did great with that too. When he was done I let him have the water bottle and he had a great time chewing and drinking and playing with it for a few minutes. When he burped up water I took it away and he totally conked out. I like breakfast! :D
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