Sunday, June 24, 2007

Less Anxious!

I had to write that last post being true to my feelings last week, but yesterday things got a little better!

We had a brunch and seminar about registering at Babies R Us yesterday. It was lots of good info and we won a few prizes. Woo! Among other things, there is some great info for anyone who lives far away from us.

***If you choose an item from our registry, you can call the Babies R Us here in town and pay over the phone. They will contact us and hold the item. This way you do not have to pay any shipping! Once again, we're registry #47265930, which can be found at Their phone number is 520-748-8697. ***

We also added a bunch of stuff to our registry, including a ton of toys. That way if you're more interested in fun stuff rather than practical stuff you should be all set :). We also get a deal on stuff that we end up having to buy ourselves after the baby is born, so we went a little scanner-gun crazy. Clothes are also still totally fantastic! Basics made for hot weather, especially in sizes 3 months and larger are great. It's hard to register for specifics because their stock rotates so frequently, we're just leaving it up to you to pick something cute :).

The anxiety reducing part of the day was when we bought our 'play yard'! It's a fancy name for a playpen (apprarently the latter is offensive and reminiscent of a jail cell or something). The fantastic part about it is that it includes a bassinet portion, and it's where we're planning on having the Pea sleep at first, in our room. So now the Pea has a bed! Woo! It also has an elevated changing table portion which will make midnight diaper changes easier both by location and being easy on our backs. I'll try to remember to get a pic when we take belly pictures this next week. We also had some coupons and got some more small diapers and baby wipes, as well as baby Tylenol, diaper cream and that gas relief stuff. Now I feel much more prepared. Phew.

I am so lucky to have an understanding husband. I totally get that my anxiety is absolutely irrational. It's hormones and nesting and whatever, and I KNOW that it's silly but I can't help it. We have to get a playpen /sometime/ so Brian was very supportive of getting it now. And letting me set it up. Hee. It was actually really easy and it fits in our room, though it's a little bigger than I pictured it. I probably won't leave it set up, but I wanted a few nights to make sure I wasn't going to kill myself on it in the middle of the night. So far so good!


James said...

We are at Riding the Rockies and trying out best to restrain ourselves from buy more - very cute, but pretty high priced, Harley baby clothes... I'm not sure we'll be able to do it. We have a big lunch at Thunder Mountain tomorrow... so there might be more little boy Harley clothes showing up at your house. :0

Your posts are great. We sure miss you.

Love - PapaJames

Anonymous said...

Yup, more will be on its way with Jaime. I hardly get anything anymore. We always go straight for the baby stuff. THat is just wrong!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your sister will soon be there!!She won't believe the pea is so big!!! She is bringing surprises plus money to go shopping and get the pea some of the stuff he needs. You girls have a blast but wait for me to be there for the birth!!!!!!!!!! miss ya