So I want to write a bit about Kian's first Christmas and stuff but that will have to wait as he is being very high maintenance today! I just wanted to put in a quick note that yesterday he started rolling over! Mark the date! January 7th, 2008 at just under 6 months.
Now, he's been occasionally rolling one way especially in the middle of the night for several months now. I just don't think it was on purpose. It was like, where is my paci? OMG I am on my back! And then he would scream. Now he's rolling from front to back like, all the time. It just happened yesterday and now he is consistently rolling over and anytime I put him on his tummy he ends up on his back! We're going to work on rolling the other way, and then he will be unstoppable.
He is growing up so fast. *sniff*